Friday, February 10, 2012

The Enmity between the Woman's Seed and the Serpent's Seed

The coming of Christ's kingdom into this world can best be described from the perspectives of already and not yet - the kingdom of Christ is already present in grace, but not yet consummated in glory. This is sometimes referred to as the church militant and the church triumphant, respectively. The church militant is living in the midst of this present evil age - just like the wheat that grows alongside the weeds in Jesus' parable, so the church continues to reside in tension with the rest of the world until Christ comes back with power and in glory.

The "tension" is first mentioned in the serpent's curse in Genesis 3, where God declares to the satanic snake, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring" (v. 15a). This is a prophecy foretelling the future struggle between the children of the serpent and the offspring associated with the one who will "crush the serpent's skull" - a broader description of the strife that would continually escalate throughout history between the Lord's saints and the rest of creation still under Satan's sway.

This struggle is teased out again and again throughout Scripture - the warring between the surrounding pagan nations and the people of Israel as they march in to occupy Canaan, the battle between David and Goliath (a wonderful typological portrayal of Christ's ultimate victory over Satan), the disciples casting out demons and healing the sick during the ministry of Jesus, and even the continual persecution of the church around the world, all the way up to the present day. Even John in his revelation tells of that ancient serpent of old who has now grown to the scale of a "dragon" becoming furious with the "woman" (this time, not just Eve in particular, but with Israel symbolically) and proceeds to make war with the rest of her offspring (all those keeping God's commands and confessing Jesus as Lord, Revelation 12:17). The enmity between the woman's seed and the serpent's seed is a reality that cannot be denied.

And unlike those who believe in some Utopian Christian age when there will be no persecution of the saints or antagonism towards the gospel, or those who believe in a pretribulational rapture where the saints conveniently miss all trials and suffering, this enmity will continue between the seed of the woman and the seed of Satan until Christ comes - when he will come with the clouds of heaven to separate the weeds from the wheat (Mark 13:24-27). So here is the summons - Christian, the fight is inevitable and long-lasting, and you must persevere to the end. But Christ assures us that while we will experience tribulation in the midst of this present evil age, we should take heart, for he has overcome the world (John 16:33).

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