Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why Jesus can't be properly read without the Old Testament

Herman Ridderbos makes the case that the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus preached has its foundation rooted in the redemptive-historical drama of the Old Testament.
For so soon as the attempt is made to circumscribe the gospel preached by Jesus, we are confronted with certain presuppositions imparting a very peculiar expression and structure to this preaching of salvation. The gospel of the kingdom is not something entirely new, but it is much rather the fulfillment of what is old. This applies to the commandments, as we shall see and equally for the salvation preached by Jesus. The whole of the promulgation of salvation is terminologically and factually determined by the history of the revelation preceding it, and cannot be understood apart from it.(1)
(1) Ridderbos, The Coming of the Kingdom. P & R Publishing, 1962, pg. 186.

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